hiking gear tentWelcome to the Boot Bomb! As I am sure you have already guessed, this site is all about boots. Hiking boots especially.

But we all know there's more to hiking than just boots. If you want to go on a hike a make it a big success, then sure... boots are your number one priority. But then there's all the rest of the hiking gear you will need in order to stand a chance out there in the wild.

Think of nutrition and hydration, for example. Going on a multi day hike? What if you don't reach base camp? You will have to eat and drink, don't you? Don't go hiking alone on a long trail if you're not bringing any food. You might as well not even start the trail.

Best Hiking Gear Reviews

But you're also going to need a place to consume your food and drinks. So you're going to need a tent. It's best to bring a tent that's quick to set up. Because what if you are overwhelmed by a big storm? You will almost certainly encounter a trail where you find yourself in need of emergency shelter.

Next up, you're going to have to find a way to cook your food, assuming you're not going to wing it on beef jerky alone, ofcourse. So you may want to bring a stove with you as well. And what if said stove breaks down? Then you are also going to require a repair kit and other kinds of tools that can help you.

hiking campfireNext up, you are going to want to bring the best hiking gear with you that can assist you in lighting a fire. Fires are nice for roasting marshmellows, staying warm, and having some light. But when it's dark and you haven't made a fire yet, then you're going to have a tough time creating it. So bring something else besides fire making equipment, that can provide a light. Think of a hiking flashlight, headlamp or lantern.

Despite all your best efforts, there is still a realistic chance that you are going to get injured somehow. Most of the time, it will not be a very serious injury. But simply chafing your skin can go a long way in providing you long lasting, painful sensations at the location of the chafing.

For this reason, it can help to bring first aid kits. A simple hiking first aid kit isn't going to save your life when you've sustained mortal injuries, but then again... if that ever happens, you're going to need helicopter transport anyway. But what a portable first aid kit can do, is help you treat your minor wounds, such as earlier mentioned chafings. You'd be amazed what difference a bandaid with some softening skin cream can do for a patch of irritated skin.

campfire cooking meatIf you are going to a sunny place, you will also require lots of protection form the sun. Sunglasses alone aren't always going to cut it. In many cases, you will require sunscreen to prevent your face from being burnt. Don't forget to rub that stuff on your nose, because your nose is the absolute worst when it comes to sun burns. Everybody who has ever spent a day on the beach will know what I'm talking about.

If you are going to a very cold place, then you will still require sun protection. Take the Himalayas for example... it's snowy there, but plenty of people want to go for a hike in this area, simply because they love the snowy mountains. It gets pretty hot up there as well, so again... bring sunglasses as well as sunscreen. But also don't forget lip balm, as the cold can do a serious number on your lips.

For both sunny trails as snowy peaks, it can help to bring a good hiking hat or cap that will protect your noggin from the sun's blistering heat. This is especially true if you do not have a lot of hair. I've been balding since my twenties, so the need to wear a cap for me personally started a long time ago.

base camp fireYou will also require a lot of insulation. And your tent alone isn't going to cut it, unless that campfire of yours is going to be really big and burning all night. But let's face it, it hardly ever does.

You'd think you would only need insulation when you're going to the snowy peaks. But nothing could be farther from the truth. It can get pretty cold at night on a sunny trail as well. You don't want to be freezing at night, as this will negatively impact your morale.

Depending on which trail your are hitting and how low the temperatures are going to be (according to your research and expectations) bring insulating hiking pants, jackets, gloves, vests, hats and whatever you can get your hands on that you think will keep you comfortably warm at night. Insulating clothes are some of the best hiking gear you can bring with you.

A lot of people forget another thing that's actually very important for a successful hike. This especially goes for long distance hikes, where you go onto a trail that will take you days (or sometimes even weeks) to complete. The longer the trail, the deeper you go into the wilderness, the higher the chances are of getting lost. So make sure to bring some form of navigation with you.

hiking first aid kitThere are excellent navigation devices and tools available for hiking aficionados like you and me. First of all, it helps to bring a map. But the thing with paper maps is that they get all crumbled up and, if you're clumsy like me, you'll get it drenched in water. This does not help your mission. So when you bring a paper map, make sure that you've got a protective plastic sheet around it.

You can also bring a compass, but you'd have to learn how to read it. But then again, you will also need to learn how to read a map as well. If you're serious about locating yourself on the map, then you must absolutely bring a hiking GPS watch or install a hiking GPS app on your smartphone.

Lastly, an altimeter can help you determine not only at which location you are, but how high up you are. This can help when you are finding yourself in extremely rocky terrain, where you can't tell whether you're standing at the foot of a cliff or at the top by looking at your GPS alone.

Watch John Amorosano Show You His Best John Muir Trail Hiking Gear


About the Author

Hi, I’m Brian Bradshaw. I’m a super duper mega hiking enthusiast, with a love for everything that has to do with outdoors, hiking, gear, footwear and more.

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